Antoine Vianey التطبيقات

Instant Uninstaller 1.5.7
Antoine Vianey
Simplest and fastest uninstall tool forAndroid (See user comments). Use it to uninstall in seconds all theapplications you no longer need. Free memory on your phone toinstall other applications or to take more photos :- Batch uninstall- One click uninstall- Display name, size, install date- Show apps installed on SD- Sort by size- Sort by installation date- Sort by name- Uninstall recently used applications- Cache installed application for fast load- Shows apps installed on SD- Widget to uninstall last used app- Last used applications Live Wallpaper
Reversi 1.0.3
Antoine Vianey
The best Reversi game for Android device. The"one screen" philosophy allows you to play as soon as theapplication starts. Don't waste time navigating between options andmenus.Featuring:- User friendly interface- 3 difficulty levels- Clever IA- Smooth animations & HD graphics- Two players mode- Fast startup- Resume game- Undo moves- Change difficulty during the gameCheck wikipedia for Reversi rules and strategy by unobtrusive Ads.* Requested permissions are a requirement of the in-game adsonly
Task Killer Free 2.1.1
Antoine Vianey
Taskkiller Pro helps increase your phonebattery life, speed up your phone, and manage all yourapplications. It kills tasks when the screen turns off, sets upblack lists, does batch uninstalls, moves apps to the SD card, andtracks memory usage.Android phones keep unused running programs in memory. Usingmultiple applications in a session can cause the phones RAM to beoverloaded. Overloaded RAM consumes battery and slows down thephone performances. Taskkiller Pro ends unused tasks kept inmemory, thus speeding up your phone and extend its battery life.You can setup Taskkiller Pro to end unused tasks when the phonescreen turns off by using the KILL ON PAUSE functionality. You canalso setup TaskKiller Pro to end unused tasks at a given rate byusing the AUTO KILL functionality. The AUTO KILL functionality canbe active only when the phone is asleep or when the phone screen ison. The combination of the AUTO KILL and the KILL ON PAUSEfunctions are very effective in saving the battery life. Foregroundactivities can be excluded from the kill process in order not tostop a work in progress. Tasks can also be ended manually from theapplication or by using the Taskkiller widget.A combination of four black lists allows a fine configuration ofa task managed by Taskkiller. The SYSTEM black list includes everyapplication that TaskKiller will never end. The SYSTEM black listincludes by default any application that was bundled with thephone. The AUTO KILL black list includes the applications thatshouldn't be killed at a given rate. The KILL ON PAUSE black listincludes the applications that shouldn't be killed when the phonescreen is turned off. With apps such as MP3 players and GPStrackers, it's a good idea to use the KILL ON PAUSE and the AUTOKILL blacklists as you don't want these applications to be killedwhile running as a background service.The uninstaller tool is designed to help you uninstall one ormore applications from the phone. It displays the list of installedapplications with the location (SD or not), size and setup date.You just have to select the applications you want to remove andclick on the REMOVE button to uninstall them all very fast.The move 2 SD tool is designed to help you change the setuplocation of the phone applications. The tool is only available forAndroid 2.2 and above. Select applications that can be moved to SDand click on the MOVE 2 SD button to move selected applications tothe SD card. You can also move applications from the SD card to thephone internal memory. A notification will help you to know when aninstalled application can be moved to the SD card.
Task Killer Pro 2.1.1
Antoine Vianey
Taskkiller Pro helps increase your phonebattery life, speed up your phone, and manage all yourapplications. It kills tasks when the screen turns off, sets upblack lists, does batch uninstalls, moves apps to the SD card, andtracks memory usage.Android phones keep unused running programs in memory. Usingmultiple applications in a session can cause the phones RAM to beoverloaded. Overloaded RAM consumes battery and slows down thephone performances. Taskkiller Pro ends unused tasks kept inmemory, thus speeding up your phone and extend its battery life.You can setup Taskkiller Pro to end unused tasks when the phonescreen turns off by using the KILL ON PAUSE functionality. You canalso setup TaskKiller Pro to end unused tasks at a given rate byusing the AUTO KILL functionality. The AUTO KILL functionality canbe active only when the phone is asleep or when the phone screen ison. The combination of the AUTO KILL and the KILL ON PAUSEfunctions are very effective in saving the battery life. Foregroundactivities can be excluded from the kill process in order not tostop a work in progress. Tasks can also be ended manually from theapplication or by using the Taskkiller widget.A combination of four black lists allows a fine configuration ofa task managed by Taskkiller. The SYSTEM black list includes everyapplication that TaskKiller will never end. The SYSTEM black listincludes by default any application that was bundled with thephone. The AUTO KILL black list includes the applications thatshouldn't be killed at a given rate. The KILL ON PAUSE black listincludes the applications that shouldn't be killed when the phonescreen is turned off. With apps such as MP3 players and GPStrackers, it's a good idea to use the KILL ON PAUSE and the AUTOKILL blacklists as you don't want these applications to be killedwhile running as a background service.The uninstaller tool is designed to help you uninstall one ormore applications from the phone. It displays the list of installedapplications with the location (SD or not), size and setup date.You just have to select the applications you want to remove andclick on the REMOVE button to uninstall them all very fast.The move 2 SD tool is designed to help you change the setuplocation of the phone applications. The tool is only available forAndroid 2.2 and above. Select applications that can be moved to SDand click on the MOVE 2 SD button to move selected applications tothe SD card. You can also move applications from the SD card to thephone internal memory. A notification will help you to know when aninstalled application can be moved to the SD card.
BabyPhone 1.0.1
Antoine Vianey
BabyPhone est une application Androidquitransforme votre téléphone en "écoute bébé".Tout comme un véritable "écoute bébé", cette applicationvousaide à surveiller le sommeil de votre enfant. Il vous suffitpourcela de configurer le niveau sonore à partir duquel voussouhaitezrecevoir une alerte par SMS ou un appel téléphonique etvotresmartphone se chargera de vous alerter dès que ce niveauestatteint.Fonctionnalités :- Réglage du seuil d'alerte- Envoi d'un SMS ou appel téléphonique- Personnalisation du SMS- Mode silencieux activé automatiquement- Exécution en tâche de fond- Choix du numéro de téléphone à contacterAvant chaque utilisation, prenez soin de vérifier quelesconditions nécessaires sont réunies pour un bon fonctionnementduBabyPhone, en particulier :- Niveau de batterie suffisant- Chargeur de l'appareil branchée- Réseau GSM disponible et constantPrenez le temps de régler soigneusement le niveau d'alerteavantchaque utilisation en fonction du bruit ambiant et testez labonneréception de l'alerte SMS ou téléphonique sur le numéro decontactque vous avez choisi.Selon votre forfait téléphonique et le pays dans lequel vousvoustrouvez, l'utilisation du BabyPhone peut engendrer descoûtscomplémentaires sur la facturation de votre opérateur detéléphoniemobile. Ces frais additionnels restent intégralement àvotrecharge.BabyPhone est fait pour vous apporter de l'aide danslasurveillance de votre bébé, il ne se substitue en aucun cas àlavigilance d'un adulte qui doit rester totale. Avantchaqueutilisation du BabyPhone, vérifiez les réglages, testezl'envoialertes ainsi que leur bonne réception, vérifiez le niveaudebatterie du smartphone et branchez son chargeur. Vérifiezégalementqu'aucun "Task Killer" ne vient perturber le bonfonctionnement duBabyPhone.BabyPhone is anAndroidapplication that turns your phone into a "baby monitor".Just like a real "baby monitor", this application helps youtomonitor your child's sleep. You just have to set the sound levelatwhich you want to receive an alert by SMS or phone call andtakecare of your smartphone alert you as soon as this levelisreached.Features:- Set the alert threshold- Sending a text message or phone call- Customize SMS- Silent mode activated automatically- Running in the background- Choice of phone contactBefore each use, make sure to check that the conditions areinplace for proper operation of BabyPhone, in particular:- Adequate standard battery- Charge the device connected- GSM network available and constantTake the time to carefully adjust the alert level before eachuseaccording to ambient noise and test the receipt of the SMSalert orcall on the contact number you have chosen.Depending on your phone plan and the country in which youare,the use of BabyPhone can generate additional costs in billingyourmobile operator. These additional costs are entirelyyourresponsibility.BabyPhone is made to provide you with assistance inmonitoringyour baby, it does not replace the need for vigilance byan adultwho must remain full. Before each use of BabyPhone, checkthesettings, test sending alerts and their good reception, checkthebattery level of the smartphone and plug the charger. Verifythatno "Task Killer" disturbs the functioning of BabyPhone.
Clinometer 1.6.0
Antoine Vianey
Use your phone as an inclinotmeter to measure slope and elevationanywhere.
Bubble Level 2.1.2
Antoine Vianey
A simple, handy and accurate Bubble Level application for yourmobile phone.
Multi Tools 1.0.0
Antoine Vianey
Magnetometer, Level, Compass, Barometer and more